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Hungary Flag

The Hungarian Flag: A Symbol of National Identity

Historical Origins

The Hungarian national flag, also known as the "Magyarország zászlaja," is a horizontal tricolour of red, white, and green. It has been the official flag of Hungary since October 12, 1957.

The Tricolour Flag

The earliest known use of the tricolour flag in Hungary dates back to 1848, during the Hungarian Revolution. The flag was adopted as the official symbol of the Hungarian Republic in 1918. After the collapse of the communist regime in 1989, the tricolour flag was reinstated as the national flag.

The flag is divided into three equal horizontal bands: red at the top, white in the middle, and green at the bottom. The width-to-length ratio is 2:3.


The colours of the Hungarian flag are said to represent the following: * Red: strength, courage, and the blood of Hungarian patriots * White: loyalty, purity, and the River Danube * Green: hope, prosperity, and the Hungarian plains

Official Use

The Hungarian flag is flown on government buildings, military bases, and other official institutions. It is also used as a national symbol at sporting events, festivals, and other public gatherings.

According to Hungarian law, the national flag must be treated with respect and flown in a dignified manner. It is forbidden to use the flag for commercial purposes or to display it in a way that is disrespectful to the Hungarian nation.

International Recognition

The Hungarian flag is recognised by all international organisations, including the United Nations and the European Union. It is also flown at Hungarian embassies and consulates around the world. The Hungarian flag is a powerful symbol of national pride and unity. It is a reminder of the country's rich history and its commitment to freedom and democracy.
